понедельник, 16 февраля 2009 г.

Five mistakes single women

If the vain efforts of the love you take a bunch of spiritual forces, perhaps it is time to reconsider their approach to finding true love. Here are five mistakes that make single Beatiful Girls in the process of visits and the initial phase relationship. If something sounds familiar - let's try to fix! We suggest you familiarize yourself with the five most common mistakes single women. Maybe one of you knows something more useful.

I am not worthy of love

If you think unworthy of love, and it will not. Many women, after several visits and parting believe that there is something fatal, "nevlyublyaemoe.

They say words like "Who can I be needed? Obviously, I am doomed to loneliness. To me the crown of celibacy (an evil fate, such a fate, which go)."

Of course, we all deserve love! And how do you think? But if you constantly harp on about a malevolent its share of loneliness and stamp on his forehead, that attitude is beginning to manifest itself in every word, every gesture and act.

In these women, through the doomed half of timid hope and desire to do twice as much to keep a regular fan of the evil charam. Result: we are working on relationships, is clinging to the passing train cars, but not to stay alone.

But if you start to convince yourself to the contrary - "I am a pretty (good, smart, erudite, charming), I just doomed to a great love." Maybe worth a try Motivational, as did "the most charming and attractive" heroine Irene Muravyova?

To vymesti away defeatist thought, start with a simple: Head of a diary. As in the case of Bridget Jones fyrchite men spills evil thoughts to paper and convince yourself of its irresistible. Day after day it will be given all the easier. Ask your relatives and friends to compile lists of your positive qualities and record them on the first page of a diary that you can see them constantly.

Men are not enemies. The enemies - your konkurentki

Try to stop seeing men in the enemy. Yes, the stark truth is that good men there were far fewer than the bad, mediocre, and so-so. But they stayed, and they can be found anywhere.

According to a law of nature Ukrainian women Harmful pulls it to the men, who tend not to respond to calls and sms-ki, say idiotic false excuses, just take care of their mental peace, to recognize love and then have sex with your best friend.

It feels that the woman falls in love with them from the masochism. Sometimes the reason we have to look in their childhood: perhaps your father was the soul of the company, but a harsh and cold homes. You have to do one's worst, to deserve his attention. When you're grown, you are metaphorically continues to meet with the Pope. "

Believe me - a life full of good men, boring and predictable at first glance, could be deprived of the extreme ups and downs, but full of peace, caring and warmth.

Do not take away the freedom of a man

Repeat as a mantra: love - this is not the dog. One 29-year-old Tonya, my friend, was offered the hand and heart. It was her dream of home life, in her fantasies, she and fiance were inseparable, and both day and night.

But the young man had other views on family life. He was not ready to give to Tony rybalok and preference of each week with friends, although she believed that it is not necessary to spend their free time to strangers. Her self-doubt and lust for attention to put a future wife literally under house arrest. Of course, his sole desire was to escape from it.

As a result, Tonya and groom parted. Summary: Even the happiest couples in need of space for growth. The more dynamic the life they live - in terms of work, hobbies, friends - all the more interesting it becomes for the second half.

Do not waste your energy on other men

Treason - is always a betrayal, even if it happened in the imagination. It goes without saying that your partner has a right to treatment for themselves with respect and kindness. If he was talking about their problems, successes and failures in bed, joys and frustrations pretty blonde, a colleague at work, you would like?

It sounds slightly mad, and yet: there is one man who first has the right to your time and energy, and this man - your friend, husband, fiance. And if you spend your mental energies on another person, you have to take energy from their relationship. It is your partner, not the colleague, has a right to hear about your first flight in a dream, intimate feelings and good joke, podslushannuyu in the subway.

Each has its own truth. Umeyte seek compromise

If you constantly have to be right, this is wrong. Perhaps you feel that you have a lot in common with another. You are both economists, both love to play backgammon, tango, and go skiing. Maybe you know some of the PA is better than your partner, in addition to know how to dance the waltz and a little salsa.

This does not mean that you also need to better understand the wines, oils and modern drama. The habit is similar to the truth of the disease. Once distinguished, a person wants to be right in everything. Stay hard, but you can. Sorry - it does not mean to show weakness. What to do in the love you need to give way, and sometimes very strongly.

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