воскресенье, 8 февраля 2009 г.

Speaking as a dance.

Maximum use of male weaknesses. Male power is the dialogue - not taken away from discussing difficult issues, to meet the counter-argument, it is similar to the tug. Talking like a Beatiful Girls dancing on the tight rope - the constant balancing act in a situation of uncertainty. Find a weakness in an opponent, she would methodically beat on it, not giving to distract themselves from this activity. Attempts to draw its attention to other, more valid argument would require special work.

Silence the truth.

To say much about anything: «Language dan diplomat to conceal their thoughts».

 Impasse phrase.

 Women love in the critical phase of the negotiations say: «You do not know what you want!». This position impasse for the opponent, because compels excuses that are bad, but not charged, too, could not resist.

 Domyslivanie (doskazyvanie).

 «I can continue your thought», «guess what you are ...», etc. and all the previous criticism of the opponent is linked to the defeat of the proposed end of the Ukrainian women.

The imposition of sentences.

 «Do it seemed to me», «I do not say!» Etc.

«Taking neck».

Admission relating to continuous speech hindering partner insert his word.

«Closed ears».

Conspicuous by their ears transmission opponent's arguments. So you can translate the conversation into the conflict, encouraging the opponent to give up the first glove. Recognition of a failure to report a great success.

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