понедельник, 23 февраля 2009 г.

For those who are going to meet his dream

Getting to you, men


This article is intended for those who have not yet met the woman of his dreams.

In today's world, girls and women pay more attention to the behavior of men and their appearance. Therefore, turn your attention first on this aspect.

First, in a strong body of a sound mind. Take off with all the clothes and look in the mirror. You do not need to have muscles like Sylvester Stalone or Arnold Shvartseneygera enough that you have not been hanging folds of fat and muscle while the other would have been developed. In short, your figure should be similar to the male. Sociologists conducting a poll and found that women often draw attention to the male part of the body: muscular shoulders, well-developed chest, muscular arms, height, slim figure, eyes and buttocks. But they prefer in men: the buttocks, height, eyes, slender figure. The remaining factors are not important points for inclusion in this list. This does not mean that there are no women who love thy piercing glance stripped and your mustaches a la Charlie, just a very few such women. Another group of social scientists determined that women are most often linked because of the man (to his body and muscles), with its behavior in the bed, ie If a man is well developed physically, it will be a long night of love.

Next, we will consider this hairstyle. Hair - "frame" for the person. No matter what you have long hair, most importantly that they were going well and stacked. Today, fashion short hairstyle. When choosing a hairstyle should be guided by the fact that she would "fit". You can not just take and copy the hairstyle you favorite movie hero or a popular artist, it can only spoil your appearance. Therefore, go to the hairdresser and ask the wizard to select your hairstyle.

Now talk about usah and beard. Psychologists came to the idea that a beard or mustache prefer to be self-doubt a man. Mustaches or beard always give the person in the group some advantages. Remember, you are approached by a group of men and bearded (baleen), you subconsciously think mostly. Of course mustache (beard) you can hide some of the weaknesses of individuals, but women more like men with "jungle" on the face. It's very simple to explain: these beatiful girls love kissing. And your hair so natret her cheeks, and something else so that the future will prefer to stay away from you.

And the last part, the significance of which many young people forget - is clothing. Requirements for clothing as follows: first, to be appropriate for the situation and environment, the second - to emphasize that you are modern. Choose your dress and stick to it.

So, you are now ready to start "hunting for the woman of his dreams." Before leaving the apartment, remember to have a sociological study in which researchers investigated the main characteristics of men who are likely to prefer a woman. The man should be:

1. Strong;

2. Bred;

3. Caring;

4. Prudent;

5. I am confident in myself.

While going down in the elevator in order to determine what you expect from a russian women. It is possible that you can go home already in love, so Vedi in a way that your savings remain intact, friends, work and spend time favorite places.

There are places that do not make acquaintance with the fair sex, are: bars, marriage announcements and work.

Do not get romance with friends of your sister, wife of former Chief, former girlfriend of your friend or those who are much younger than you. In one case you spoil your relations with people in another case you spoil your reputation.

Here you are going to the street and look for the girls, looking a suitable candidate.

The best way to get acquainted with the women in the quiet, nemnogolyudnyh ground, streets, parks, and square where less noise and crowds. Here is much more likely, when compared with libraries, exhibitions, gym, swimming pools and theaters. The main thing is to show the desire, patience and endurance. First of all, the first phase of dating, it is important not to frighten off a woman.

The first thing that usually makes people want to know when - it is suitable to meet the desired object. Ukrainian women should be sure to come calm, mild gait. Before, to see how her name and her phone number, you should be contacted. Usually people request that they have either helped (depending on the situation): the library, you can ask how to use the directory where you want the catalog, etc., in the pool, you can emphasize the skills the girls to swim well in the theater to learn her views on the performance etc. Main establish the first contact. It can not be the first words to express my admiration for her figure, having felt sexual connotation, she immediately decides that you want only the most ". Port view of women these men "not serious".

After the first of your words you shall carefully observe her reaction:

1. Pass by, does not pay attention - so be it, it is not so different.

2. Stop trying to understand the meaning of your words;

3. Pretends that a hurry or care;

In the first case will go to the bird caught by a different, better.

The second and third cases, carefully watching the direction the shell object. If the body directed away from you, then perhaps you need to quickly finish what begun, and also released. Most likely you are to her interests, but the question that you asked not. If you did not receive an interest, so not destiny.

In other cases, when a light shade of your smile, a small delight, a joy that you have met said the same, proceed to the next level.

All his appearance is necessary to persuade a woman in her physical well-being and safety. And some employment. In short its assessment as "good" or "excellent" Your appearance gives you access to her phone number.

Occasionally it is necessary to change places, methods and subjects are dating. When you can get acquainted podygrat woman in her mood. Thus the challenge for the first contact is formulated as follows: it is necessary to make a positive impression on a woman.

Other ways to meet it through friends, at parties, celebrations, etc. It's easy, you submit to one another. Main Remember the first positive impression.

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